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Start from Scratch

Writer's picture: Herbert ZuritaHerbert Zurita

Updated: Nov 2, 2023

As i'm writing this post i have an uncontainable amount of nerves and excitement inside of me.

The path to create a new program that adapts to our needs and to have a community like the one that we deserve has been hard... with lots of discussions and reviews. But we got it, it's here... we don't have to wait more!!!

Now officially with y'all... the community and new judge program for MTG Judges Mexico!!


A few weeks ago it was announced that Wizards of the Coast (WotC) and Judge Academy (JAc) would no longer continue collaborating as the official body for judge certifications world-wide. These news weren't that much of a surprise for a lot of people but they were still really hard-hitting. Starting from that moment there were talks about the future of judges... would there be a new JAc? Would WotC do something of their own?

This uncertainty also generated an amazing global community that started trying to figure out what our next steps would be and how to better the state of the program. That's were we come from. From all of the endless discussions about how to tackle our actual needs, from these timeless talks about the disadvantages that all the programs have had for our smaller-but-still-really-really-important community. From how our region has judges of amazing quality but the difficulty of getting growth opportunities and barriers that existed just because of that couple-hundred-mile long stretch that divides our country from the US

But we don't have to worry about that any more... because we have born leaders in our country and people that always want to help do what's best for their community. That's why we're creating this new program


Now, on what y'all are really interested in... (;

What is "MTG Judges Mexico"?

We're a new project that proposes a judge program for Mexico, focusing on what our country needs and in our reality, but always keeping the professionalism and global collaboration that characterizes all of us judges

You can read all about our values and certification structure in our About us page. The rest of this post is more of a personal approach to the minds and hearts of the team behind this project

Now, an important thing to mention is that, currently, our program just offers a certification path/structure/means and content in our language... yes, that means that there are no foils in play... yet(;

For all judges that have an active JAc certification, you can read our carry-over process and policies here

The rest of this post will just talk about who we are and why we're doing this(:


Talking about the people behind this... who are we?

Herbert Zurita (he/him-they/them)

Program Representative

Advanced Judge | Leadership Medal

hi there!

Magic and the world of judging have given me a place where i belong and a community to care for. That's why i started this, because i want everyone to have a program that looks for what's best for the community(:

I'm the Program Representative for now and i'm more than available for all of your questions, comments, concerns, and gossips

I certified in 2017 and along the years i've had the opportunity to work across all kinds of events and positions, currently focusing in leadership positions both in and out of Mexico. I'm usually the Side Events Manager for CentralAmerica Regionals

Outside the world of judging, i'm a web developer that enjoys sudokus, cats, crosswords, and books

Omar González (he/him-they/them)

Community Representative | Wave 1

Premiere Judge | Leadership Medal


If I had a nickel for every time i've become a "legacy judge", i'd have 2 nickels... which isn't a lot, but it's weird it's happened twice. Right?

11 years as a judge and 10 years as an L2. Lots of experience to share and lots of desire to make others listen to me too.

I've been in the top logistic roles for a couple of events (Judge Manager for Yellow Rabbit, Area Manager for Pastimes), so I have a lot of help to offer judges that are just getting started working events on their own by explaining issues they haven't even considered.

At the same time, I've been a HJ for events where I've managed teams of up to 10 judges and over 200 players. Moreover, I'm a rules aficionado and you can constantly find me asking questions where the first answer you come up with is usually not the correct one.

Diego Bolaños (he/him)

Community Representative | Wave 1

Advanced Judge | Leadership Medal

I've been involved in the Magic world for 11 years as a player and a little over 5 as a judge. Being a judge has given me love for customer service and a deep love for the judge progam like nothing else. My goal is to be able to transmit and share that love for the program and give others the opportunity to grow as judges and live everything that judging can offer


That's all from our side, we hope to see you soon as part of this program

You can contact us here:

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© 2023 Jueces MTG Mexico. All program content falls into CC BY 4.0 license with the exception of previously licensed content by their respective owners


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